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Welcome to SHARE

Photo: Alistair MacDonald, Carrie Fertig and Peter Ferry, Kunstsammlungen der Veste Coburg (Lutz Naumann)

About us

Science, Humanities and Arts Research Exchange

SHARE (Science, Humanities and Arts Research Exchange) facilitates interdisciplinary collaborations between researchers and artists at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, the University of St Andrews, and beyond.

We seek to identify staff and students at each institution who are interested in interdisciplinary collaborations; to make introductions between RCS, St Andrews, and Scotland-based researchers and artists with overlapping interests; to support the development of any collaborative interdisciplinary projects that should arise; and to act as a hub for sharing the development and outcomes of these projects.

We have several interdisciplinary PhD students and graduates co-supervised by RCS and St Andrews academic staff (including projects funded by St Leonard’s Interdisciplinary and SGSAH CDA grants), and are working towards expanding our interdisciplinary cohort.

We regularly host collaborative concerts and performances, speaker series, discussion groups, and symposia, as well as a wide variety of one-off events and residencies. Visit our Projects, Events and Collaborations pages to find out more about these.


Internal and external funding sources

A list of internal RCS and St Andrews and external funding sources for interdisciplinary projects.


Keep up to date on all things SHARE related

Periodic news, blogposts, and musings on SHARE and SHARE-related events.