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Emily Doolittle

RCS / Staff (Music Composition / Zoomusicology / Ecomusicology)

Dr Emily Doolittle is a Canadian-born, Glasgow-based music researcher and composer with an ongoing interest in zoomusicology, the study of the music-like aspects of non-human animal song. Doolittle’s zoomusicological outputs include compositions such Reedbird, commissioned and performed by the Vancouver Symphony (2019); musicological and cultural studies such as as “Hearken to the Hermit Thrush”: A Case-Study in Interdisciplinary Listening (Frontiers in Psychology, 2020) and ”Scarce Inferior to the Nightingale”: hermit thrush song as a symbol of cultural identity in Anglophone North-America (Ecomusicology Review, in press 2021); and interdisciplinary scientific writing such as Overtone-based pitch selection in hermit thrush song: Unexpected convergence with scale construction in human music (PNAS 2014, with Fitch, Gingras and Endres) and A boldly comparative approach will strengthen co-evolutionary accounts of musicality's origins (Brain and Behavioural Sciences 2021, with Rendell, South and Garland). Other research interests include gender and creativity, story-telling through music, and environmental activism and the arts. In addition to her own interdisciplinary research, she facilitates interdisciplinary research for others through founding and co-organizing of SHARE (Science, Humanities and Arts Research Exchange, Doolittle is an Athenaeum Research Fellow and Lecturer in Composition at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.