Pralle Kriengwatana
KU Leuven / Staff (Behavioural Biology)
Pralle is a behavioural biologist with research specialisations in animal stress, cognition, and bioacoustics. She completed her PhD in 2013 from Western University in Psychology with an emphasis on behavioural and cognitive neuroscience and has collaborated with research groups at the University of Leiden, University of Amsterdam, University of St Andrews, and University of Glasgow on projects that have been funded by UK Research & Innovation Councils (BBSRC) and the European Commission (MSCA Individual Fellowship). She is currently working with the M3-BIORES group at KU Leuven, Belgium, on an internally funded project that uses comparative, computational, and integrative approaches to identify indicators of emotional valence in avian vocalisations. Pralle hopes to shape the emerging research area of music for animal welfare by understanding the mechanism by which music affects animals.