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RASCAL (Research on Animal Song in Culture, Arts, and Literature)

A monthly zoom discussion for researchers and artists interested in cultural representations of animal song

RASCAL is an ongoing monthly zoom meeting of researchers, artists, and musicians looking at cultural representations of animal song. Each meeting consists of one or two informal presentations by researchers an artists working in this field, followed by lots of time for questions and discussion. Please contact Emily Doolittle to be added to our mailing list.

Past presenters have included:

November: Rachel Mundy
December: Carola Bauckholt and Tania Rubio

February: Gergely Loch and Hollis Taylor
March: Martin Ullrich and Alex South
April: David Rothenberg and Emily Doolittle
May: Miya Warrington and Andrew Whitehouse
September: Marie Cousin and Kate Altizer
November: Patricia Jäggi and Jean-Michel Maujean
December: Alexander Liebermann and Kathrin Lang

February: Jack Harrison and Michael Guida
April: Annie Lewandowski and Lisa Hermann-Fertig
June: Michael Spitzer and Alex South
September: Natalie Kirchstein and Andrew Green
November: Alexander Liebermann and Rob Mackay
December: Jeff Xing and Amanda Bayley     

January: David Rothenberg, Olivier Adam and Pauline Nadrigny
March: Rachel Mundy and Katarina Radaljac