This page lists some of the tangible results of some of the interdisciplinary work by done by SHARE participants and collaborators, including (but not limited to) academic and non-academic publications, musical scores, artworks, and recordings. If you're a SHARE participant and have a recent interdisciplinary work you'd like us to include, please send a title, link and brief description to
A boldly comparative approach will strengthen co-evolutionary accounts of musicality's origins (2021)
Output type - Journal Publication
Luke Rendell, Emily Doolittle, Ellen Garland and Alex South, “A boldly comparative approach will strengthen co-evolutionary accounts of musicality’s origins.” Brain and Behavioural Science, September 20, 2021.
Whale, Bow, Echo (2021)
Output type - Music Composition
A piece by Alex South for the Sequoia Duo, based on recordings of humpback whale song by Ellen Garland and Michael Poole.
Hearken to the Hermit Thrush: A Case Study in Interdisciplinary Listening (2020)
Output type - Journal Publication
Emily Doolittle, "Hearken to the Hermit Thrush: A Case Study in Interdisciplinary Listening", Frontiers in Psychology, 9 December 2020.